The New Testament epistles chronicle the temptations that raged against the early Church—from the allure of false gospels to the disconnect between professed beliefs and actions. The struggles of the contemporary Church are much the same. In this cultural moment, the Gospel is often co-opted by unorthodox social and political ideologies, which Christians are pressured to embrace in the name of “love” and “justice.” Some even see adherence to these ideologies as a litmus test for the genuineness of one’s faith. In order to remain faithful amid the many “alternative gospels” captivating our world, Christians must commit themselves to Gospel orthodoxy (right belief) and orthopraxy (right practice).
Join us for our 6th annual Great Lakes Symposium as we discuss how to cultivate these virtues and discern the false gospels of this cultural moment. Join us in-person in Bay Harbor, MI or on the free livestream. Registration required.