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I’m answering your questions this week in a special Q&A episode! My friend and colleague Maggie is back to host with me. We’re covering questions about prayer, parenting teens, caring for aging parents, church traditions, and more.
Show Notes
The Book of Common Prayer
Colson Center National Conference: https://colsoncenter.org/
Dancing with Max: A Mother and Son Who Broke Free by Emily Colson
Applications are now open for the 2025-2026 Colson Fellows Program! Participants take a nine-month deep dive into Christian worldview and learn how God’s story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration explain the world better than any alternative can. They study how the gospel is not simply a matter of eternal destination, but a way of life. You can request more information about the Colson Fellows Program today at colsonfellows.org.
The Strong Women podcast exists to display the beautifully diverse ways God invites and equips women to participate in His story. Strong Women is a listener-funded program from the Colson Center that is only available for free because it has already been paid for by hundreds of listeners like you. To join the community of women who make this program possible, visit colsoncenter.org/swmonthly today.
The Strong Women Podcast is a product of the Colson Center, which equips Christians to live out their faith with clarity, confidence, and courage in this cultural moment. Through commentaries, podcasts, videos, and more, we help Christians better understand what’s happening in the world, and champion what is true and good wherever God has called them. Learn more about the Colson Center here: https://www.colsoncenter.org/
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Answering Your Questions About Lent With Sarah Stonestreet