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2 min read

S4 05: The Shocking Dorothy Sayers With Crystal Downing

S4 05: The Shocking Dorothy Sayers With Crystal Downing




Crystal Downing joins us this week to talk about the 20th-century Christian author, Dorothy Sayers. Crystal is Co-Director of the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton Collegewhere scholars researchwrite about, and preserve the memorabilia of a handful of British writers—including a few members of the Inklings. Though Dorothy Sayers wasn’t an Inkling herself, she was friends with many of them and was a major spiritual influence on C.S. Lewis. Dorothy was not afraid to challenge people, including both Christians and the nonreligiousCrystal’s book Subversive: Christ, Culture, and the Shocking Dorothy L. Sayers is a wonderful introduction to this interesting woman. 



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